079 434 00 45
Prime Concierge sells time so that your daily routines do not become a stumbling block. We execute various tasks for our clients and happily arrange also recurring activities for you.
Daily, weekly or monthly arrangements
Errand Services
Shopping Service
Hard to find Items
Groceries, Gifts
Banking, Post Office
Delivery, Pharmacy etc.
Supplyer Management
Appropriate experts for House and Garden
Transportation Service
Carpool, Limousine (Airport, City, Region)
Child Care
Chauffeuring, Supervision, Coaching, Birthday Parties etc.
House Sitting
Plants and Garden
Arrival Errands
Check on Teens etc.
Office Help
Organizing, Filing Copying, Fax, Email, PC Support
Technology Solutions, Websites, PDA’s

Daily, weekly or monthly time saving arrangements.

Daily, weekly or monthly time saving arrangements.

Daily, weekly or monthly time saving arrangements.

Daily, weekly or monthly time saving arrangements.
Make an appointment
Philosophie & Mission
We’re service orientated entrepreneurs, conserving integrity in our internal and external relationships. We work as a team, sharing responsibility, passion and expertise. Our mission is to go beyond our clients expectations. We aim to deliver a first class personalized service, going the extra mile. We are committed to the view that quality matters, bringing you only the very best. We’re driven by ambition, creativity, innovation and feasibility nurtured through our growing network – and all this for a surprisingly attractive equivalent.
Jürg D. Zingg
Owner - Manager
© 2022 Prime Concierge Services GmbH
Prime Concierge Services GmbH
Geisshaldenweg 50 - 8706 Meilen
T +41 44 923 7600 - M +41 79 434 0045
E-Mail: info@primeconcierge.ch